
Global Soil Partnership

The Global Soil Partnership is an interactive, responsive and voluntary partnership, open to governments, institutions and other stakeholders at various levels.

Terms of Pertnership: NSC ISSAR is a partner of GSP from 18/03/2014. From 05.06.2015 р. NSC ISSAR is  GSP Focal Point of Ukraine. Aspects of membership: links coordination of  Ukrainian soil organizations with GSP, participation in forming and implementation of GSP Pillars.

European Soil Partnership

The aim of the European Soil Partnership is to bring together the various scattered networks and soil related activities into a common framework, open to all institutions and stakeholders willing to actively contribute to sustainable soil management in Europe.
Terms of memberships: partners. Aspects:Aspects of membership: links coordination of Ukrainian soil organizations with Europe, participation in international projects.

International Union of Soil Sciences

International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) is the global union of soil scientists. The objectives of the IUSS are to promote all branches of soil science, and to support all soil scientists across the world in the pursuit of their activities. 

Terms of Partnership: Full and Individual Membership. Full membership in IUSS has Ukrainian Society of Soil Scientists and Agrochemists (USSSA), wich works on the base of NSC ISSAR. Individual members are  Soil Geoecophysics Laboratory. Aspects of Partnership: development of international links, informational materials, participation in IUSS activities.

European Society for Soil Conservation
European Society for Soil Conservation

The ESSC is an interdisciplinary, non-political association with more than 500 members in 42 countries. Its members include researchers, teachers, students, farmers, planners and policymakers with interests in agriculture, soil science, geographical science, economics, forestry, ecology. Terms: Individual partnership. Aspects: development of international relations, obtaining information materials (the Journal «News of ESSC»).

International Soil Tillage Research Organisation

International Soil Tillage Research Organisation (ISTRO) focusses on the impact and consequences of various soil tillage practices.  Terms of partnership: Individual Partnership. Individual members of IUSS are researchers of  Soil Geoecophysics Laboratory. Aspects of partnership: development of international cooperation, informational materials (Journal «Soil and Tillage Research»  for usage by planning and conducting of research.


FOOD FOR LIFE. Programme, project: «Strategy for European Technology Platforms: ETP 2020» of European Commission. Terms: partners. Aspects:participation in development of joint plan of actions, concluding the contracts, information sharing.

International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage
International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage

The International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) is the leading scientific, technical and not-for-profit Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).

Terms:Individual Membership. Aspects:updated information on global trends of water and land resources and improve productivity of irrigated lands, water protection; participation in conferences, exchange of experience; development of standardized methods and methods to control and improve the quality of irrigation water.

European Network "Avalon" for the Development of Organic Agriculture
European Network "Avalon" for the Development of Organic Agriculture

The Avalon Network brings together farmers, government institutions, NGOs, research institutes and businesses in the field of organic agriculture, biodiversity, agri-environment and sustainable rural development. Terms of membership: partners. Aspects: development of international relations, obtaining information on the development of organic agricultural production; participation in conferences and seminars; exchange of experience, etc.

Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Federation of European Microbiological Societies

The Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS). Terms: individual membership. Individual members of FEMS are Soil Microbiology Laboratory. Aspects: development of international relations, exchange of experience and obtaining information on usage of microbiological technologies in agriculture.

Polish Society of Soil Science
Polish Society of Soil Science

Polish Society of Soil Sciense. Programme, project: Bilateral agreement between the USSA and the PSSS. Terms of partnership: Partners. Aspects of membership: development of international relations, exchange of experience and industry information.


ApisLab - the project of Apis Holding, the main goal is to provide services for extended soil analysis and fertilizer recommendations.


ApisLab - the project of Apis Holding, the main goal is to provide services for extended soil analysis and fertilizer recommendations.


ApisLab - the project of Apis Holding, the main goal is to provide services for extended soil analysis and fertilizer recommendations.


ApisLab - the project of Apis Holding, the main goal is to provide services for extended soil analysis and fertilizer recommendations.
